starting at $662.82 USD
Outperforms any other suicide door hinge on the market!
Slimmer profile and taller paddle provides easier fit and more rigidity as well as having the coolest look. The four-door version sits nicely on the fender-well for a better fit-and-finish, while the two-door version is beefed up to handle any of the heavier conversions.
Available in 3 sizes: 4.5", 5.5", and 6.5" tall paddle for two- and four-door vehicles.
Wire passage is STANDARD, as is the detent system (model without detent by special order only).
Have you thought about:
Door Wiring Looms? | |
Linear Actuators? | |
Ball Stud Mounts? | |
Door Linkagee Kits? | |
Strikers and Plates? | |
Door Latches(if not using original door latches)? |